Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Some bros are playing Dawntide. We need some help.

We have a steam group at:

Dawntide is a sandbox MMO a lot like wurm and UO but using the engine of Morrowind. You can build entire towns, forts, or empires.

Its in very very rough beta testing. We are playing a game in development. But its free and open so anyone can jump in easily.

New player FAQ here:

Here's a map we've been working on for the world, has the location of our settlement and a link to this really good minimap mod.

Map: http://www.dawnguide.net/worldmap.jpg
Mini Map: http://www.dawntide.net/node/1004872

Though its recommended before you swim up here, that you train your skills on the non-pvp island you start out on, South Vynn.

(Be warned this game is hard to get a hold of at the beginning, the basic objective of the entire game is to build your own city within the game world. This involves getting a lot of your skills up and buying recipes to craft and build everything you would need to run your own warband, that includes forges, keeps, towers, etc.)  

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